Weird Web October


Weird Web October is a challenge to try and make a website every day of October, based on the theme for each day, inspired by Inktober. It’s open to you and everyone!


We want to bring back the WEIRD WEB. When people just put fun and silly stuff on the internet, not for followers or likes but just for the joy of making something and sharing it.


Step 1: Just make a website!

It can be static, dynamic, made with a website builder - whatever you’re comfortable with. We recommend about an hour to get the creative juices flowing, but it’s up to you.

Step 2: Share it!

This step is optional, but we’d really love to see what everyone is making! Submit your website here to get added to this spreadsheet, or use the hashtag #WeirdWeb on social media.



My name is Jay Zuerndorfer and I decided to organize Weird Web October after talking about the idea with fellow attendees of the 2024 XOXO festival. If you have any feedback or ideas shoot me an email at jzplusplus [at] Or send me a pull request on Github.


  1. Nature
  2. CSS
  3. Color
  4. Lists
  5. Food
  6. Notifications
  7. Science
  8. Hashtags
  9. Blessed
  10. Art
  11. API
  12. Ritual
  13. GIFs
  14. History
  15. Audio
  16. Social
  17. Dimensions
  18. Words
  19. Data
  20. Capitalism
  21. Memes
  22. Bugs
  23. IRL
  24. Cursed
  25. Interactive
  26. Chat
  27. Nostalgia
  28. Generative
  29. Forms
  30. Emoji
  31. Spooky